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[gnutls-dev] [PATCH] another large RSA modulus problem

From: Ian Peters
Subject: [gnutls-dev] [PATCH] another large RSA modulus problem
Date: Tue Apr 1 00:28:01 2003

The same Thawte certificate as last time (with a 2048 byte signature
length) triggers a new problem in lib/x509/x509.c.  Patch bumps length
from 640 to 2400.  Should this just be MAX_PARAMETER_SIZE instead?

Also, any particular reason you're overestimating sizes like this?  In
most of these cases you can assume powers of two, so, why e.g. 640
instead of 512, etc?

diff -Nru -x '*~' -x '*.o' -x '*.orig' -x '*.rej' 
gnutls-0.9.4.orig/lib/x509/x509.c gnutls-0.9.4/lib/x509/x509.c
--- gnutls-0.9.4.orig/lib/x509/x509.c   2003-03-28 07:29:12.000000000 -0500
+++ gnutls-0.9.4/lib/x509/x509.c        2003-03-31 17:15:01.000000000 -0500
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@
        /* Read the signature */
-               opaque signature[640];
+               opaque signature[2400];
                int len;
                /* read the bit string of the signature

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