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Re: mozilla-trademark-rust

From: Adonay Felipe Nogueira
Subject: Re: mozilla-trademark-rust
Date: Sat, 28 Nov 2020 20:02:14 -0300
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I don't know if you are subscribed to the list, but I assume not. If you think 
I'm mistaken, please tell me so.

Em 24/11/2020 02:47, dikasp--- via GNUzilla development discussions escreveu:
> as an prominent leader of mozilla liberation front, can gnuzilla team give 
> some clarification about these problem ?

I'm not an official GNUzilla developer and don't know if your question was 
already answered, but as far as I can see all the details of the trademark 
issue are in the link you just gave.

In parallel, there is also the issue that Cargo (single-language package 
manager for Rust) by default includes a repository that provides 
functional/practical data/works, and there is no clear indication that such 
repository is committed to include only packages that follow the GNU FSDG, 
which is a requirement for free/libre distros to take into consideration, that 
is, under the GNU FSDG, either the Cargo (package manager) package must be 
removed or the already-underpowered free/libre distros will have to find way to 
make a cargo-like repository that is committed to the GNU FSDG, or protest to 
make official Cargo repository do so, but the last one I think must come from 
within the Rust/Cargo folks.

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