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Re: [Gomp-discuss] The tree nodes ...

From: Lars Segerlund
Subject: Re: [Gomp-discuss] The tree nodes ...
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 16:48:18 +0100
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 Let's go for that, this is a sensible statement.

As for gcc's performance, perhaps there is work to do which the people interested HPC can target, which they are inclined to do if gcc supports HPC. ( can I be the president now ? )

 / Lars.

Scott Robert Ladd wrote:
Also, let's not get caught up in a debate about the OpenMP
standard and whether or not it will be accepted in mainline GCC.
Let's just implement something that has value, once we have
something concrete to show we can cross the next bridge.  No
point having vacuous flamewars.

Good points. My suggestions:

1) We try to identify and avoid roads that will guarantee rejection by "the
gcc community."

2) The we keep the general gcc community appriased of our work. Springing a
complete implementation at some future date will only defer debate, not
eliminate it.

I'd like to be certain we're doing the "right" things up front.


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