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Re: [Gomp-discuss] The primitives

From: Lars Segerlund
Subject: Re: [Gomp-discuss] The primitives
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 07:56:29 +0100
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 Get the kid to help you ! ;-) ...

Serious, a start at the lib would be supernice, then we can code some calls to it and start testing !

  I would be happy to help with the lib.

Another issue, I would like a gcc omp enabled binary to run without libgomp , so that an unaltered binary would run on all systems.
  I think this is a really good idea, any opinions ?

 / Lars

Scott Robert Ladd wrote:
I'm on my way out the door.... but...

I'm quite happy to begin implementing the OpenMP library; many of the
functions will be viable just as a side effect of implementing simple
parallel regions.

If no one objects, I'd be more than happy to provide an initial "omp.h"
header file that provides the prototypes for the OpenMP functions. I can
whip that up once I rescue a sick kid from school (ah, the joys of working
out of the home!)


-----Original Message-----
From: address@hidden
[mailto:address@hidden Behalf
Of Biagio Lucini
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2003 14:21
To: address@hidden
Subject: [Gomp-discuss] The primitives

I've missed so much of the "real time" discussion today that I don't know
exactly who I should quote here - sorry!

I agree with Scott that perhaps the best thing to do for a start is to get
the simplest program work. However, I am not sure if I agree on the
observation that we don't need the library routines. One thing we will
need at some point is some function that will get the number of the CPU's
available to the system: the correct execution of the "hello" example
depend on the fact that the compiler must know how many CPU's the system

For the common set of primitives, it seems to me that everything reduces
to a fork with a more-or-less complicated control instruction. E.g.

#pragma omp parallel -> fork n-1 processes if n is the number of the CPU
(the master process is still there)

#pragma omp for -> on each forked process manipulate according to the
clauses the index of the loop

#pragma omp sections -> whatch how to fork the section directives

#pragma omp section -> put it just in one thread (it does not matter which

#pragma omp master -> this is not forked, must be executed just on the
master thread

Perhaps we tree is simpler than it seems at first sight or am I too naive
and indeducated in CS?

Then, a separate chapter are the synchronisation statements (barrier,
critical, flush), which probably require "wait" and "lock".


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