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Re: [Gomp-discuss] stublib

From: Lars Segerlund
Subject: Re: [Gomp-discuss] stublib
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 09:46:17 +0100
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I have made a misc directory in libgomp, and put the stublib in there, feel free to put the testing code ( examples from the openmp spec ) in there, I will also try to add some.

If nobody minds, I will continue to break the stub lib into files and put into lib directory.

 / cheers Lars Segerlund.

Biagio Lucini wrote:
On Fri, 21 Feb 2003, Lars Segerlund wrote:

 I took the stublib from the standard, since it would be a start for us.

 Attaching it, but where do I put it ? Do we put everything in testing
for now and move it into the proper places when we get further ?

 / Lars Segerlund.

Hi - I think the appropriate location would be lib. But as you say you can
put it in tests and then move it.

What about having a directory misc with our template omp source codes?
I can contribute a couple of them.


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