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Re: [gpsd-dev] [PATCH v3 1/1] gps2udp: reset errno after successful geta

From: Greg Troxel
Subject: Re: [gpsd-dev] [PATCH v3 1/1] gps2udp: reset errno after successful getaddrinfo call
Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2014 14:26:09 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.130006 (Ma Gnus v0.6) Emacs/23.4 (berkeley-unix)

Ferry Huberts <address@hidden> writes:

> I was asked by Gary Miller to further look into why errno wasn't zero.
> I did. I fixed the root cause.
> I'm thoroughly confused by what you guys actually want.

The point is that looking at errno other than immediately after getting
an error return from a system call that is documented to set errno on
error is a bug.
The root cause fix is not to look at it otherwise, and adding kludges to
make it be zero is not helpful.

  After atoi, open_udp checks errno and finds it at 2, left behind by
  the netlib_connectsock function.

atoi is not documented to set errno.  Therefore the code to look at
errno after atoi is buggy and should be removed.

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