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Re: [gpsd-dev] enabling IPTOS_LOWDELAY in gpsd

From: Greg Troxel
Subject: Re: [gpsd-dev] enabling IPTOS_LOWDELAY in gpsd
Date: Sat, 04 Jan 2014 22:32:27 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.130006 (Ma Gnus v0.6) Emacs/23.4 (berkeley-unix)

Dave Taht <address@hidden> writes:

> I just sent a couple patches to eric to correctly enable
> IPTOS_LOWDELAY on its packets. The code was there, but it never pulled
> in the correct defines and thus was never enabled. It was also wrong
> for IPV6.

Is IPTOS_LOWDELAY still a current recommendation, and not obsoleted by
diffserv?  Can you point to a reference (as a comment in the patch)?

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