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Re: [gpsd-dev] (no subject)

From: Hal Murray
Subject: Re: [gpsd-dev] (no subject)
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2015 02:31:15 -0800

>>I tried to test chrpath=no
>>I hacked the top of regress-driver to print LD_LIBRARY_PATH
>>It seems to be set correctly.
>>But things hang on the first test and the timer doesn't go off.  ???

> But I just built with chrpath=no on tom and saw the tests pass.
> I have no explanation for this.

I just tried again.  It hangs for me.  (I didn't double check the 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH or wait long enough to test the timer.)

What exactly did you type?  Anything interesting in your environment?

These are the only things I see in mine that might be suspicious:

Matrix-algebra regression test succeeded
:; ./gpsfake -T; ./regress-driver test/daemon/*.log
sys linux2 platform Linux-3.18.6-200.fc21.i686-i686-with-fedora-21-Twenty_One:
 WRITE_PAD = 0.00000
Testing the daemon...
Processing test/daemon/GPSmap-76S.log
[Hang, ^C, snip backtrace]
  550  git clone raw foo
  551  cd foo
  552  scons chrpath=no
  553  scons check
  554  hist
address@hidden foo]$ 
address@hidden foo]$ git describe
address@hidden foo]$ 

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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