SConstruct lines 891 to 893 now read if config.CheckHeader(["sys/types.h", "sys/time.h", "sys/timepps.h"]): # env.MergeFlags("-DHAVE_SYS_TIMEPPS_H=1") kpps = False gpsmon.c lines 1345 to 1350 now read if (strcmp(session.pps_thread.devicename, MAGIC_HAT_GPS) == 0 || strcmp(session.pps_thread.devicename, MAGIC_LINK_GPS) == 0) { // char *first_pps = pps_get_first(); // if (access(first_pps, R_OK | W_OK) == 0) // session.pps_thread.devicename = first_pps; } timehint.c lines 469 to 475 now read if (strcmp(session->pps_thread.devicename, MAGIC_HAT_GPS) == 0 || strcmp(session->pps_thread.devicename, MAGIC_LINK_GPS) == 0) { // char *first_pps = pps_get_first(); // if (access(first_pps, R_OK | W_OK) == 0) // session->pps_thread.devicename = first_pps; }