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Re: garmin serial probe or force garmin serial mode.

From: Philip Lamb
Subject: Re: garmin serial probe or force garmin serial mode.
Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2020 16:52:53 +1200

On 1/04/2020, at 4:11 PM, Gary E. Miller <address@hidden> wrote:
On Tue, 31 Mar 2020 16:39:35 +1300
Philip Lamb <address@hidden> wrote:

[..] The Geko 201 and 301 do output NMEA
(and it outputs the proprietary sentences even when NMEA mode is
selected) but also support Garmin binary,

Got any dopcumentation on that?  Like what version of Garmin binary
it supports?

I cannot find it documented which version is supported.

Any way I can get a raw dump of your garmin binary stream?

   $ gpspipe -R -n 300 > raw.log

I’ll endeavour to collect this soon.

So, this motivated me to go and look at why the stream is not
starting, and with a small change in driver_garmin.c I have found a
fix and it works now:

What was required was to replace the NULL value for the field
'.event_hook' in the structure driver_garmin_ser_binary, with
'garmin_event_hook' (i.e. so that it matches the one used in

Can you please send that as a proper diff?  A simple "git diff"
should do.

I’ve gone one step further and submitted a merge request (

I'm happy to submit this one-line change as a patch, although I don't
know enough about the rest of the gpsd serial system to know whether
this would have side-effects elsewhere. Any thoughts?

I have some garmins layong around, and other receivers, so easy to test.

I wrote that over a decade ago.  I think all that does is probe the
GPS to wake is up.  The USB ones needed it, but not the serial ones,
until now.  Certainly worth some testing.

I have only one serially-connected GPS and it’s this Geko 301, so it’ll be worth making sure that this change doesn’t affect other users of the serial interface.

Kind regards,

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