Hello and good morning!
May I ask how would I use the command gpsdebuginfo?
I understand that I should run gpsdebuginfo as root but I’m unsure how to get there.
Here are the suggestions I have found:
1) on the command line type sudo su (should get me to root user without needing password, I’ve only ever logged in as user pi)
2) set up a password for root
Why I’m asking is, I’m not sure if either method would be harmful (especially the sudo command) so I just wanted to check since I found no warnings for either method.
For future reference, do I have the option to send screenshots of the program/command running?
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Sent from my iPhone
On Jul 20, 2021, at 1:36 PM, Gary E. Miller <gem@rellim.com> wrote:
Yo Kerry!On Tue, 20 Jul 2021 16:20:00 +0800Kerry Hoath <kerry@gotss.net> wrote:Garry does not like systemd and is of the opinion that it makes gpsd
difficult to manage.
Fact, not opinion. Just look at the list archives. systemd(umb)comes up every week. Nothing esle comes close as a defect attractor.For this reason it is best to take gpsd out of the control of systemd
and have scripts that start and stop it yourself.
That is my opinion. systemd(umber) maybe could work, but the people thatpush it o nthe (l)users have never bothered.The reason that you should upgrade to the latest gpsd is that there
are many fixes and improvements for newer protocols and gps units in
the latest version
Yes, because I hate getting bug reports for bugs fixed 5 years ago.and distributions often bundle old buggy code.
OnlLy some distros bundle old code. I'll not get into the argumentof what is best to bundle as there are good reasons on both sides,depending on your needs.The newest version should talk to more GPS units and is considered to
be the best to run in production.
Not knowing your "production", that would be a choice the user has tomake.If someone had spent millions of dollars testing an old gpsd version forspace flight, then I would suggest they leave well alone.All the names Garry gives to systemD like SystemDreamon are just
because he has had bad experiences with it and dislikes it so much it
amuses him to come up with a different insult for it which I agree
could confuse a new user not used to this.
"amuse" is not the correct word, closer to "derision". I kept havingto escalate my derision before people got the idea I really was veryserious on what a pox systemd(umpkopf) is.Have you ever heard a Gentoo or Devuan user complain about their initsystems? I really doubt is. Just on this list we get the weeklyssytemd(ross) whinging.I have not tried GPSD on the raspberry Pi myself but plenty have and
I believe the docs on the GPSD website and the latest code are highly
Yes, except that doc is for serial (GPIO) conenction, and ths OP isusing a USB connection. That has been confusing the OP since thestart.Basically it boils down to installing a recent GPSD, (perhaps
compiling it yourself from source)
Only as a start. I don't think the OP has found a gpsd bug. So anupdate is just to get on the same page.Systemd(racula) is at least a small part of his problem, but I suspectthat having the flight controller also talking to the GPS is causing hisbiggest issue.gpsdebuginfo output would be a good start in diagnosis. Then an up todate ubxtool can answer many questions.figuring out which serial device on the Pi has your GPS on it, and
pointing GPSD at that device to see if it can communicate with a
hardware device on that port.
Which gpsdebuginfo will tell us.Hope this helps a little.
Feedback is always good.RGDSGARY---------------------------------------------------------------------------Gary E. Miller Rellim 109 NW Wilmington Ave., Suite E, Bend, OR 97703 gem@rellim.com Tel:+1 541 382 8588 Veritas liberabit vos. -- Quid est veritas? "If you can't measure it, you can't improve it." - Lord KelvinCAUTION: This email originated from outside of the PNW environment. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.