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Re: ublox F9P - rover: no RTK fix with default gpsd ublox initialisation

From: Michael Haberler
Subject: Re: ublox F9P - rover: no RTK fix with default gpsd ublox initialisation
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2022 00:34:39 +0200

Hi Gary,

>> I will provide
>> logs etc for these failures, and will happily switch to the builtin
>> ntrip client once I get it working
> Why bother to get str2str working if you are just going to drop it?

fair enough - switched to the builtin ntrip client
below I'm using an rtk2go nearby station which doesnt require an account 

I remove the previous logfiles for obvious reasons

> You sent this, in antoher message:
> mah@oe-sox:~/src/gpsd/gpsd-3.24/gpsd$ ./gpsd --passive --speed 460800 --debug 
> 5 --listenany --nowait --foreground  /dev/ublox-zed-f9p 2>&1 |tee 
> /home/mah/src/gpsd/debug/gpsd-D5.log
> Several things suboptimal.  gpsd should be started as root.
> If you are going to use --passive, then you need to manually configure
> the receiver, which you are not doing.

I wish I knew how to do this given the F9P's mere 1100 parameters ;) 

in theory:  one would do that via the /etc/gpsd/device-hook and issue a 
sequence of ubxtool commands, correct?

> /dev/ublox-zed-f9p is USB native, and has no speed, so your --speed is
> a NOP.

done, thanks - I wasnt sure about this and occasionally got 'gpsd:WARN: 
NMEA0183: TXT: Error: txbuf alloc' suggesting port speed too low; a failed 

>>> A good start is to send us the output of gpsdebudinfo.  
>> I assume you mean the debug log output of gspd
> Nope, bad assumption.  Best to pay attention to my words, not your
> assumptions.  I see you did send up the results of that.
> I guess you did not read the output:
> You ran with sudo not as root.
>    sudo will confuse the results.
> Why do you have Magic Hat enabled on a non-raspberry pi?
>    # Magic Hat enabled.

I followed 
<> and scons 
picked up MAGIC_HAT_ENABLE by default. I tried on a different x86 box and it 
did not. 

I can investigate, but for now, rebuilt with 'scons magic_hat=no' .

> You are running gpsd as a user, not as root.
>    gpsd    25209  mah    4u  IPv4 618468      0t0  TCP *:gpsd (LISTEN)
>    gpsd    25209  mah    5u  IPv6 618469      0t0  TCP *:gpsd (LISTEN)
> What is this next thing?
>    602 ?        S<sl  13:10 /usr/bin/readsb --device 0 --device-type rtlsdr 
> --gain -10 --ppm 0 --net-connector localhost,2947,gpsd_in --max-range 450 
> --write-json-every 1 --db-file-lt --write-binCraft-old --net --net-heartbeat 
> 60 --net-ro-size 1250 --net-ro-interval 0.05 --net-ri-port 30001 
> --net-ro-port 30002 --net-sbs-port 30003 --net-bi-port 30004,30104 
> --net-bo-port 30005 --json-location-accuracy 2 --range-outline-hours 24 
> --net-json-port=30012 --write-json /run/readsb --quiet

that's a gpsd client which reconnected -
disabled that for now

> What is this next thing?
> Oct 11 16:45:18 oe-sox gpsd[24955]: gpsd:WARN: NMEA0183: TXT: Warning: PFEC 
> inv format
> Oct 11 16:45:18 oe-sox gpsd[24955]: gpsd:WARN: NMEA0183: TXT: Warning: PTNL 
> inv format
> Oct 11 16:45:19 oe-sox gpsd[24955]: gpsd:WARN: NMEA0183: TXT: Warning: PFEC 
> inv format
> Oct 11 16:45:19 oe-sox gpsd[24955]: gpsd:WARN: NMEA0183: TXT: Warning: PASH 
> inv format
> Oct 11 16:45:19 oe-sox gpsd[24955]: gpsd:WARN: NMEA0183: TXT: Warning: PMTK 
> inv format

probably a consequence of the passive mode and missing setup

> AppArmor and gpsd do not play nice together:
> apparmor module is loaded.
> 9 profiles are loaded.
> 9 profiles are in enforce mode.
>   /usr/bin/man
>   /usr/sbin/chronyd
>   /usr/sbin/gpsd

turned off and disabled apparmor


btw I'm unclear why gpsd is trying to use a PPS device
just noting I have chrony installed if that makes any difference

>> mah@oe-sox:~/src/gpsd/gpsd-3.24/gpsd$ ./gpsd --passive --speed 460800
>> --debug 5 --listenany --nowait --foreground /dev/ublox-zed-f9p 2>&1
>> |tee /home/mah/src/gpsd/debug/gpsd-D5.log
> Don't run as root.  --speed is a NOP.
>> anything else I can provide?
> See above.

if I understand you correctly it only makes sense to concentrate on fixing the 
default scenario, short of coming up with an incantation via the hook

so let me retry

turned off my str2str rtcm feeder

ran as root sans sudo:

./gpsd --debug 5 --listenany --nowait --foreground /dev/ublox-zed-f9p 
ntrip:// 2>&1 |tee 


'ubxtool -p HOTBOOT'
'gpspipe -R -x 10'

this gives a 3D DGPS fix, but not RTK

I did run the same command line with --passive added, and got an RTK fix 
suggesting the builtin ntrip client worked



> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Gary E. Miller Rellim 109 NW Wilmington Ave., Suite E, Bend, OR 97703
>  Tel:+1 541 382 8588
>    Veritas liberabit vos. -- Quid est veritas?
>    "If you can't measure it, you can't improve it." - Lord Kelvin

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