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RE: [Grammatica-users] Question about grammatica

From: MANSION, James, FM
Subject: RE: [Grammatica-users] Question about grammatica
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2004 08:54:52 -0000

> I don't know if this helps you in any way, but it's hard to be more
specific without more details... :-)

Well, it does confirm things I guess.

In practice I think (err, hope!) my interpreter will be OK: once I added the
tree reduction so that (in terms of the example) I reduce:

I don't have very big expression trees. (My grammar is defining criteria
for monitoring data and generating alerts.)

I'm going to generate plenty of generation 0 garbage, but I'll wait and
instrument the process before losing any sleep.

I'm thinking that the framework should be easy to fix to add a
<grammar>Visitor class that just does the recursive call.  I can
cut-n-paste most of the generation of the Analyzer after all. ;-)


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