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[Grammatica-users] Separating out tokens - need help

From: paskal sanil
Subject: [Grammatica-users] Separating out tokens - need help
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2008 10:24:11 +0530


I have the following grammar (Included only the relevant grammar):

               PExpression      = PTerm [PRest];
               PRest  = "AND" PExpression | "OR" PExpression ;
               PTerm =  FORM_PARAM | ....

                FORM_PARAM       = "Z" ":" "(" ZBooleanExpr ")"

           ZBooleanExpr     = IDENTIFIER Comparator YIELD_IDENTIFIER
             Comparator = LIKE | EQ | NE;
             YIELD_IDENTIFIER = "'" LIKE_TEXT "'" |  "'" ANY_TEXT "'" | ....

Regular Expression

LIKE_TEXT   = <<[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9%_/]*[a-zA-Z0-9]+>>

Problem is that when i give a String like

Str1  ->   Z:(Id1 LIKE '%abc%' ) OR Z:(Id1 LIKE '%xyz%')

It gives the error:

Expected: " ' "
Found : "') OR Z:(Id1 LIKE '"

However the above works fine if use a <Space> in the following String:
Str2 -> Z:(Id1 LIKE '%abc%'<space> ) OR Z:(Id1 LIKE '%xyz%')
or don't use '%'
Str3 -> Z:(Id1 LIKE 'abc' ) OR Z:(Id1 LIKE 'xyz')

How can i make the ")" to be recognized as a separate token?

Please suggest some work around in the "grammar" to make Str1 work.

Thanks in advance,
paskal sanil

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