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[Groff-commit] groff/tmac

From: Eric S. Raymond
Subject: [Groff-commit] groff/tmac
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2007 02:01:32 +0000

CVSROOT:        /sources/groff
Module name:    groff
Changes by:     Eric S. Raymond <esr>   07/02/19 02:01:32

Modified files:
        tmac           : 

Log message:
        Viewer portability fixes.


RCS file: /sources/groff/groff/tmac/,v
retrieving revision 1.20
retrieving revision 1.21
diff -u -b -r1.20 -r1.21
---       18 Jan 2006 08:24:40 -0000      1.20
+++       19 Feb 2007 02:01:32 -0000      1.21
@@ -62,48 +62,44 @@
 Here is a summary of the functions found in this macro set.
-.ta 2iL
-\&.JOBNAME     split output into multiple files
-\&.HX  automatic heading level cut off;
-       $1 point for sections/headers
-\&.BCL specify colours on a web page
-\&.BGIMG       specify background image
-\&.URL create a url using two parameters
-\&.FTP create an ftp reference
-\&.MTO create a html email address
-\&.FTP create an ftp reference
-\&.TAG generate an html name
-\&.IMG include an image file
-\&.PIMG        include png image
-\&.MPIMG       place png on the margin and
-       wrap text around it
-\&.HnS begin heading
-\&.HnE end heading
-\&.LK  emit automatically collected links.
-\&.HR  produce a horizontal rule
-\&.NHR suppress automatic generation of rules.
-\&.HTL only generate HTML title
-\&.HEAD        add data to <head> block
-\&.ULS unorder list begin
-\&.ULE unorder list end
-\&.OLS ordered list begin
-\&.OLE ordered list end
-\&.DLS definition list begin
-\&.DLE definition list end
-\&.LI  insert a list item
-\&.DC  generate a drop capital
-\&.HTML        pass an html raw request to the
-       device driver
-\&.CDS code example begin
-\&.CDE code example end
-\&.ALN place links on left of
-       main text.
-\&.LNS start a new two-column
-       table with links in the left.
-\&.LNE end the two-column table.
-\&.LINKSTYLE   initialize default url attributes.
+l l.
+\&address@hidden output into multiple files
+\&address@hidden heading level cut off
+\&address@hidden colours on a web page
+\&address@hidden background image
+\&address@hidden a url using two parameters
+\&address@hidden an ftp reference
+\&address@hidden a html email address
+\&address@hidden an ftp reference
+\&address@hidden an html name
+\&address@hidden an image file
+\&address@hidden png image
+\&address@hidden png on the margin and wrap text around it
+\&address@hidden heading
+\&address@hidden heading
+\&address@hidden automatically collected links.
+\&address@hidden a horizontal rule
+\&address@hidden automatic generation of rules.
+\&address@hidden generate HTML title
+\&address@hidden data to <head> block
+\&address@hidden list begin
+\&address@hidden list end
+\&address@hidden list begin
+\&address@hidden list end
+\&address@hidden list begin
+\&address@hidden list end
+\&address@hidden a list item
+\&address@hidden a drop capital
+\&address@hidden an html raw request to the device driver
+\&address@hidden example begin
+\&address@hidden example end
+\&address@hidden links on left of main text.
+\&address@hidden a new two-column table with links in the left.
+\&address@hidden the two-column table.
+\&address@hidden default url attributes.
 Output of the
 .BR pic ,
@@ -192,7 +188,7 @@
 it appears as:
-\m[blue]foo\m[] \[la]\f[C]\f[]\[ra]:
+foo \[la]\f[C]\f[]\[ra]:
 The URL macro can be of any type; for example we can reference

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