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Re: [Groff] Re: Gaius docs.

From: Gaius Mulley
Subject: Re: [Groff] Re: Gaius docs.
Date: Sat, 1 Jan 2000 11:08:54 +0000 (GMT)

Werner writes: (address@hidden)

> If you run this with the command given above to create an HTML page,
> you can see that `.SH' (and other header requests) automatically
> create tags (Gaius, is it possible to suppress this?)

yes, if you use .HTMLINDEX 0
at the top of your groff document all .NH's are ignored.
As for .SH's at present you can use the -g option to grohtml
but then the title disappears as well. I think we need an
extra option. Say -h for remove all headers (but leave the
title alone).

Here is my first cut of the groff homepage up to and including
the README section. As you can see it has uncovered two bugs
I've included temp work arounds but will bug hunt later today.

Also included at the bottom is a new tmac.arkup with an extra
macro .LINE which creates a full width horizontal rule.

Eddie - you'll probably need to build the homepage.html
via the non make method outlined below. You will
probably need to alter the GROFF_TMAC_PATH setting to
reference where the new tmac.arkup file is situated.

have fun,


--------- cut here --------- cut here --------- cut here 
File: doc/
build via:  make homepage.html
or       :  export GROFF_TMAC_PATH=../tmac ; \
            sed -e "s;@VERSION@;`cat ../VERSION`;" \
            | ../groff/groff -p -e -t -Thtml -F.. -U -ms -mhtml -markup 
--------- cut here --------- cut here --------- cut here 
.\"  set a longer line than the default as we have some long ftp addresses
.\"  which groff cannot split
.nr LL 7i
Home of Groff (GNU Troff).
.sp 1i
GNU Troff
.URL "(Groff)"
- a
project. Hosted by
Groff (GNU Troff) is a document processor which
reads plain text mixed with formatting commands and produces
formatted output.
Groff now supports HTML for the Web.
Please see
.URL "Groff Web Tips" "#Web Tips"
.URL Germany "";
.URL USA "";
.URL License
.URL "Mailing list"
.URL "Groff for Windows" "";
User issues lead: Ted Harding
.MAILTO address@hidden
Technical issues lead: Werner Lemberg
.MAILTO address@hidden
.URL "About this site." "#This Site"
This is the GNU groff document formatting system.  The version number
is given in the file VERSION.
Included in this release are implementations of troff, pic, eqn, tbl,
refer, the -man macros and the -ms macros, and drivers for PostScript,
TeX dvi format, HP LaserJet 4 printers, HTML format (still alpha), and
typewriter-like devices.  Also included is a modified version of the
Berkeley -me macros, an enhanced version of the X11 xditview
previewer, and an implementation of the -mm macros contributed by
.\" grohtml bug --fixme--
.\" grohtml does not understand diacritical marks
.\" this should be easy to fix - but not tonight..
.\" J\*:organ H\*:agg
Jörgen Hägg
.MAILTO address@hidden
See the file INSTALL for installation instructions.  You will require
a C++ compiler.
The file NEWS describes recent user-visible changes to groff.
Groff is free software.  See the file COPYING for copying permission.
The file PROBLEMS describes various problems that have been
encountered in compiling, installing, and running groff.
For the moment, the documentation assumes that you are already
familiar with the Unix versions of troff, -man, -ms and the
The most recent released version of groff is always available by
anonymous ftp from in the directory pub/gnu/groff.
.\" grohtml bug --fixme--
.\" grohtml does not like finding a table which hits the bottom of a page
A CVS repository is now available, containing the current development
version of groff.  You can access it with the commands:
export CVSROOT=:pserver:address@hidden:/var/cvs
cvs login
cvs -z9 co groff
(if the prompt for the password appears, just press the enter key).
After a successful login you no longer need the first two commands; an
update of a checked out repository should be done with:
cvs -z9 update -d
Please read the info pages of cvs for further details.
Alternatively, you can
.URL "download snapshots"
(which are updated twice a day) from:
or a diff file relative to the latest official groff release as:
Please report bugs using the form in the file BUG-REPORT; the idea of
this is to make sure that FSF has all the information it needs to fix
the bug.  At the very least, read the BUG-REPORT form and make sure
that you supply all the information that it asks for.  Even if you are
not sure that something is a bug, report it using BUG-REPORT: this
will enable us to determine whether it really is a bug or not.
Three mailing lists are available:
address@hidden          for reporting bugs
address@hidden              for general discussion of groff
address@hidden      a read-only list showing logs of
                           commitments to the CVS repository
Note that address@hidden is an alias for address@hidden; you must be
subscribed to the `groff' and `groff-commit' lists to send mails.
To subscribe, send e-mail to address@hidden (example:
address@hidden) with the word `subscribe' in either the
subject or body of the e-mail (don't include the quotes).
GNU groff was written by James Clark
.URL address@hidden
It is now maintained by Ted Harding
.MAILTO address@hidden
and Werner Lemberg
.MAILTO address@hidden
--------- cut here --------- cut here --------- cut here 
File: tmac/tmac.arkup
--------- cut here --------- cut here --------- cut here 
.\"  a simple set of macros to provide HTML documents with basic www 
.\"  please can someone with more skill at creating macros improve on this
.\"  many thanks - Gaius
.\"  suggestion: maybe when run with non -Thtml all the urls should appear as
.\"  references.
.\" some simple html additions to any macro set
.de HTML
.if '\*(.T'html' \X^html:\\$*^
.if '\*(.T'html' \X^index:\\$*^
.\"  BODYCOLOR - $1 is foreground color
.\"              $2 is background color
.\"              $3 is the color of an active hypertext link
.\"              $4 is the color of a hypertext link not yet visited
.\"              $5 is the color of a visited hypertext link
.   HTML <body text=\\$1 bgcolor=\\$2 link=\\$3 alink=\\$4 vlink=\\$5>
.\" BACKGROUND - $1 is the background image file
.   HTML <body background=\\$1>
.\"  URL - $1 is the classical underlined blue text
.\"        $2 is the url
.de URL
.   ie '\*(.T'html' \{\
.        HTML <a href="\\$2">\\$1</a>
.   \}
.   el \{\
\\$1 (<url: \\$2>)
.   \}
.\"  LINK - $1 is the classical underlined blue text
.\"         $2 is the URL *with* the textual reference within a document
.\"         example:  .LINK "a nice heading" "#heading123"
.\"                    provides a link from "a nice heading" to the
.\"                    textual name reference "heading123"
.\"                   .LINK "The GNU FSF" "" ""
.\"                    deprecated - use the URL macro instead
.de LINK
.   ie !'\\$3'' \{\
.      @error the LINK macro has changed, use the URL (or FTP if appropriate) 
macro here
.      @error you are advised to replace with URL or FTP macro "\\$1" 
.      URL  "\\$1" "\\$3#\\$2"
.   \}
.   el \{\
.      ie '\*(.T'html' \{\
.          HTML <a href=\\$2>\\$1</a>
.      \}
.      el \{\
.          URL "\\$1" "\\$2"
.      \}          
.   \}
.\"  FTP - $1 is the classical underlined blue text
.\"        $2 is the ftp url
.de FTP
.   ie '\*(.T'html' \{\
.        HTML <a href=\\$2>\\$1</a>
.   \}
.   el \{\
$1 (<ftp:\\$2>)
.   \}
.\" MAILTO - generate html email reference
.\"          $1 is the email address
.\"          $2 is the optional name
.\"          example .MAILTO address@hidden "Fredrick Bloggs"
.\" force reset after a potential heading by performing some motion..
.\" how do we do this --fixme--
.\"  \h'\w' ''\h'-\w' '' doesn't work..
.   ie '\*(.T'html' \{\
.        ie '\\$2'' \{\
.            HTML "<a href=mailto:\\$1>\\$1</a>"
.        \}
.        el \{\
.            HTML "<a href=mailto:\\$1>\\$2</a>"
.        \}
.   \}
.   el \{\
.   \}
.\" TAG - generate an html name $1
.de TAG
.HTML <a name="\\$1"></a>
.\" IMAGE - reference an image
.\"         $1 is the image file
.\"         $2 is the x width (default if absent 400 pixels)
.\"         $3 is the y width (default if absent is the x value)
.   ie '\*(.T'html' \{\
.      nr HTMLWIDTH 400
.      if '\\$2'' \{\
.         nr HTMLWIDTH \\$2
.      \}
.      if '\\$3'' \{\
.         nr HTMLHEIGHT \\$3
.      \}
.      HTML <img src="\\$1" width=\\n[HTMLWIDTH height=\\n[HTMLHEIGHT]>
.   \}
.   el \{\
.      B1
\fB\s-2<img src=\\$1>\fP\s+2
.      B2
.   \}
.\" CDFTP - if we are processing this on machine \\$1 then we create a
.\"         FTP reference using \\$2 --> \\$3
.\"         otherwise we create a URL from \\$2 --> \\$4
.\"         example:
.\"         .CDFTP "foobar" "somegnusoftware.tar.gz" \
.\"                ""; \
.\"                "../../../TARGZ/somegnusoftware.tar.gz"
.\"         meaning if we are on machine foobar then generate an ftp url
.\"         to the GNU anonymous ftp server otherwise generate a file url
.\"         to a local copy (cdrom maybe)
.\"         Useful when one machine is designated as a cdrom burner and another
.\"         designated as an appache server.
.\"         The same source for web pages can be burnt onto a CD and also
.\"         served across the network. It doesn't solve the problem of one
.\"         machine doing both though :-(
.de CDFTP 
.   sy /bin/rm -f /tmp/tmac.n
.   sy /bin/echo ".ds HOSTNAME `hostname --short`" > /tmp/tmac.n
.   so /tmp/tmac.n
.   sy /bin/rm -f /tmp/tmac.n
.   ie '\\*[HOSTNAME]'\\$1' \{\
.      FTP "\\$2"  "\\$3"
.   \}
.   el \{\
.      URL  "\\$2" "\\$4"
.   \}
.de LINE
.  HTML <hr>
.\" it doesn't make sense to use hyphenation with html, so we turn it off.
.hy 0
.nr HY 0

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