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Re: [Groff] tmac.doc maintainer

From: Jeroen Ruigrok/Asmodai
Subject: Re: [Groff] tmac.doc maintainer
Date: Sat, 13 May 2000 10:25:55 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.2i

-On [20000511 20:00], Werner LEMBERG (address@hidden) wrote:
>I wonder who is really maintaining tmac.doc?  James Clark has used
>version 5.8 dated 8/5/91 -- is there any newer version available.

It depends.

The current one in the source tree is from the original BSD source tree.
I can do a comparison with NetBSD and OpenBSD and what we have in the
FreeBSD source tree and see if we made modifications which make sense to
all three projects and then submit that up for patches.

So I'm willing to try and maintain it, since we use it heavily for our

Jeroen Ruigrok vd Werven/Asmodai    address@hidden||]
Documentation nutter/C-rated Coder BSD: Technical excellence at its best  
The BSD Programmer's Documentation Project <>
Your lunacy fits in neatly with my own, my very own...

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