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Re: [Groff] another groff/troff compatibility question

From: Andrew Koenig
Subject: Re: [Groff] another groff/troff compatibility question
Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2001 09:23:50 -0400 (EDT)

Ralph> Is the troff that has them pulling them in from a font description file
Ralph> or does it have them hard-coded?

Font description file.  It looks like just about all of them have it.

name R
fontname Times-Roman
named in prologue
ligatures fi fl 0
spacewidth 25
!       33      2       33
"       41      2       34
dq      "
#       50      2       35
$       50      2       36
%       83      2       37
&       78      2       38
'       33      2       39
(       33      3       40
)       33      3       41
*       50      2       42
+       56      0       43
,       25      1       44
hy      33      0       45


!!      33      1       161
ct      50      3       162
ps      50      2       163
fr      17      2       164
yn      50      2       165
fn      50      3       166
sc      50      3       167
cr      50      2       168
---     18      2       169
``      44      2       170
---     50      0       171
---     33      0       172
---     33      0       173
fi      56      2       174
fl      56      2       175
en      50      0       177
\-      "
dg      50      3       178
dd      50      3       179
---     25      0       180
pg      45      3       182
---     35      0       183
---     33      1       184
---     44      1       185
''      44      2       186

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