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[Groff] documentation on macro writing

From: Bernd Warken
Subject: [Groff] documentation on macro writing
Date: Sat, 18 May 2002 16:36:17 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.5i

On Sat, May 18, 2002 at 03:06:39PM +0200, Erich Hoffmann wrote:
> I'd be grateful if someone could indicate me a good book on
> understanding and writing macros.
Some years ago, there were many books, but they are all out of print.
The website has some pointers to historical documentation.

You can find a bit in Kernighan's `TROFF/NROFF User Manual'.  The groff
man page groff_tmac(5) describes some general principles, but it needs
some update.  I'll revise it during the next days.

There seems to exist some need for a groff document on macro programming;
the wish for such a documentation was uttered already several times.
So we should start a project for a new groff manual with the subjects
- macros with ancient troff
- macros with the full power of groff
- dirty tricks
- lots of examples.

This document should first be written as a plain text file.  Later on,
we will decide on which macro package should be used.  `mom' could be
a good choice, just to get the package tested on a real-world project.

Bernd Warken

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