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Re: [Groff] Any issues with GCC 3.0?

From: Larry Kollar
Subject: Re: [Groff] Any issues with GCC 3.0?
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2002 22:52:49 -0500

Colin Watson <address@hidden> wrote:

Larry Kollar wrote:
> > I've been trying to help Michael Driscoll track down the
> > problem he's having with getting groff to work properly
> > with MacOS X. ...
> > 
> > So I wonder whether anyone has any problems compiling
> > groff with gcc 3.0 on any architecture.
> There shouldn't be fundamental issues: Debian's hppa architecture uses
> gcc 3.0, and the groff builds it produces at least appear not to be
> completely broken. If you could elaborate on the significant differences
> I can compare them with an hppa box.

We've tracked it down to optimization bugs in the PPC
version of gcc. I'll likely have a patch to the INSTALL
file, describing the best way to compile groff for OSX,
before too long.

Larry Kollar   k o l l a r  at  a l l t e l . n e t
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