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[Groff] UTP: release candidate at (finally!)

From: Larry Kollar
Subject: [Groff] UTP: release candidate at (finally!)
Date: Sun, 27 Jul 2003 21:57:58 -0400

I finally got around to figuring out what I was doing wrong -- trying to make things harder than they were, actually -- and got the release documentation uploaded to the CVS repository at Please check it out, make sure it builds & compiles for you (it does for me), and send patches. I'm not sure how to go about granting commit access to other people who need it, but once we get going with Revisited we'll deal with it.

One thing I noticed in a quick skim -- the first Index page has page numbers at both top & bottom. The CVS archive incorporates a little hacking on Jon's utp.mac file to correct related issues; I must have missed that one.

I think the following commands will get you the UTP source (adjust the first line for csh/tcsh if necessary):

        export CVSROOT=:pserver:address@hidden:/var/cvs
        cvs login
        cvs -z9 co utpbook

We've come a long way....
Larry Kollar    k  o  l  l  a  r  @  a  l  l  t  e  l  .  n  e  t
"The hardest part of all this is the part that requires thinking."
-- Paul Tyson, on xml-doc
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