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Re: [Groff] swedish mm manual

From: Jorgen Grahn
Subject: Re: [Groff] swedish mm manual
Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2003 19:48:01 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i

On Wed Nov  5 13:43:04 2003, address@hidden wrote:
> I have translated the swedish mm manual to english, but I would like some
> proofreading and such, the text si quite buggy as it is but any help is
> appreciated.

I'm a se_SE-speaking person, and kind of willing to help
if you can use that specific competence :-)

Only problem is I don't use mm.

> Should I post a tar on the list or how do I proceed ?

Personally, I'd like to see it (along with the original; what version did
you start out with?) in *some* way. Drop me a mail before Friday if nothing
else happens.


  // Jörgen Grahn       "And then the design was ignored, and small children
\X/ <address@hidden>  with crayons were given the O'Reilly Perl books and
                         told to Create.  And lo, it was done."
                                                         -- Teo de H, in ASR

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