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Re: [Groff] Re: grohtml utility programs in DESC?

From: Werner LEMBERG
Subject: Re: [Groff] Re: grohtml utility programs in DESC?
Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2003 13:39:13 +0100 (CET)

> IMHO, the better option is to collect copies of all the required
> binaries together, in a common directory, and add that one directory
> to the PATH.  Of course, it does make sense to preserve the original
> name, when creating the copy; I simply chose to rename gswin32c.exe
> as gs.exe for its copy on my MSYS path, since that worked without
> any need to modify the name which grohtml would search for, and thus
> seemed to me to be the simplest solution to the naming conflict; (I
> am a strong advocate of the KISS principle!)

If I used Windows, I would do the same, but still using gswin32c.exe
as the executable name.

> I don't disagree with this, Werner; I just believe that renaming
> gswin32c.exe is a simpler option.  Also, if we modify grohtml to
> expect gswin32c.exe, should we also have a fall back option to try
> gs.exe, if gswin32c.exe is not found?

This is adding exactly 7 characters to :-) I think this
is probably the a good compromise.


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