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[Groff] Would you like a diffmk that works on Linux?

From: M Bianchi
Subject: [Groff] Would you like a diffmk that works on Linux?
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2004 17:57:35 -0400

I am one of those who still uses troff for much of what I do and suddenly found
myself without diffmk(1) when I needed.  I had been running on the rash
assumption that all that stuff was still out there.  But the best I could do
was come up with a  diffmk.p , written in perl by Randal L. Schwartz @
Stonehenge (aka merlyn) in 1989.  It did not work out of the box, but with a
minor perl hack (and I am _not_ a user of perl) it now serves my need.

Would the Groff group like to have it?  How do I do that?

Many thanks to those who have been keeping troff and it's cousins alive.  It is
what I know in my bones, since I first started using it in 1971.  I never got
over the idea that sometimes I just want to compute my documents and I
_never_ want to lose the words!

 Mike Bianchi
 Foveal Systems
 190 Loantaka Way
 Madison NJ  07940-1910

 +1 973 822-2085        Voice; call to arrange Fax


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