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[Groff] Re: conversion to DOC format

From: Dean Allen Provins
Subject: [Groff] Re: conversion to DOC format
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2004 20:26:55 -0600
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.28i

Fellow groffers:

Thank you for the congratulations.  You will never know how pleased I
was to get that graduate program over with.

Thank you also for the many suggestions for converting groff output
to DOC.  I have been trying some of these over the past few days, but
so far without success.

Several suggested that I create an intermediate format (html) which
is easy to do, but (at least version 1.1.0, which is
currently installed on this system) recognizes it as such, and will not
allow rewriting in Word (Weird) format.

I tried to submit PDF format to one government agency, but was advised
that they could not open it.  Apparently they have yet to broaden their
abilities beyond that which Bill G. provides.

A recent post by Alejandro Lopez suggested "pdftoword" from
"";, which I obtained immediately and unpacked
with my usual naive optimism.  Without a Makefile and without some key
header files it will be a challenge to construct (but where's the fun
without a challenge).  As far as I can see just now, a recent 'xpdf'
source tree is required.  I'll pursue this for a while and succeed, or
give up and beg a neighbour for some computer time on their *professional*
Windows machine.

Thanks again for your help.

Regards from Calgary


                         Dr. Dean Provins, P. Geoph.
                  KeyID at at 0x9643AE65

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