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Re: [Groff] Poll on macros

From: Meg McRoberts
Subject: Re: [Groff] Poll on macros
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2004 01:44:27 -0700 (PDT)

I've also used -mm for more than twenty years just because
that is what the AT&T UNIX documents, and then the SCO UNIX
documents were written in.  (Actually, SCO had an augmented
set of -mm macros, all based on Eroff.)  So it's easy and
familiar in a way that the others are not.


--- Robert Marks <address@hidden> wrote:

> I use -mm and have been for twenty or so years because it included a
> good footnoting facility.  (I use it for all my academic papers.)
> I also use it because of Bob Diertens' gpresent post processors which
> I use to produce lecture slides with colour, revelation etc.
> FWIW, I use the 1987 Eroff documentation from Elan Computer Group,
> Inc., which has a good, 110-page mm User Guide. I wonder whether it's
> possible to post these pages, 17 years later?
> Bob Marks
> -- 
> Robert MARKS, Australian Graduate School of Management,
>               UNSW SYDNEY, NSW 2052, Australia
> Home page:    <>
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