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Re: [Groff] Re: Composed glyphs - quick and dirty solution

From: Ted Harding
Subject: Re: [Groff] Re: Composed glyphs - quick and dirty solution
Date: Mon, 06 Mar 2006 09:52:21 -0000 (GMT)

On 06-Mar-06 Werner LEMBERG wrote:
>> > Again, I've no idea :-) The code snippet was taken from ps.tmac,
>> > without analyzing it in detail.  I've simply forgotten how it
>> > works.
>> The answer here is (or should be) that if you place an accent over a
>> "skew" character (e.g. italic), you need to offset it slightly to
>> the right so that it is above the top side of the glyph and not the
>> horizontal mid-point (which is what would happen without taking
>> account of skew). So you need the skew of the "under" glyph to
>> compute this; and the skew of the "over" glyph is (in most cases)
>> not relevant.
> Thanks -- I was aware of this fact.  With `forgotten' I've meant just
> the details of the macro, not how skewing in general works.
> Maybe proper accent macros can be based on `acc*over-def' and friends
> from s.tmac.  They could be moved into a separate macro file and
> adapted for general use.

Sorry, Werner, I misunderstood what you were saying, since it seemed
to be a direct reply to Michail Vidiassov's question "Why the skew
is computed for 'x' and not for accent glyph ('\\$2')?" , which is
what I explained!

Anyway, thanks in turn for remining me of what I had in my turn
forgotten -- namely that all my accented-character work uses the
ms accent definitions in the "module acc" ("accents and special
characters") in s.tmac, with a much extended ".AM" macro.

I would indeed recommend this code to people who need to create
composite characters which are not otherwise catered for.

Best wishes to all,

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <address@hidden>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 06-Mar-06                                       Time: 09:52:06
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