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Re: [Groff] on MacOSX (was: Odd problem escaping `.')

From: Larry Kollar
Subject: Re: [Groff] on MacOSX (was: Odd problem escaping `.')
Date: Thu, 4 May 2006 09:34:38 -0400

Joerg van den Hoff wrote:

well, MacOS is commercial and they seem to be reluctant to update things like, e.g., rsync or groff as fast as they could [...]

Apple updates it when there's a security-related issue. I install groff in /usr/bin, wiping the Apple-supplied version... which means that when Apple releases a patch with a groff fix, it wipes *my* version. Unfortunately, they erase site-font and site-tmac as well -- so if you make use of those directories, keep a copy in your home directory or somewhere else where it won't get stomped. The upside is, Apple generally lets you know when they're updating (i.e. replacing) groff in a patch, so you have some fair warning if you look at the update info.

But now that I have finally gotten around to using groff for real work projects, I find myself a little more reticent to install the latest CVS -- even though I made a 1.19.1 package & keep it handy. I probably should make a 1.19.2 package too; I'm using a lot of the latest stuff (PDF, grohtml) and need more.

Larry Kollar     k  o  l  l  a  r  @  a  l  l  t  e  l  .  n  e  t
Unix Text Processing: "UTP Revival"

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