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Re: [Groff] Status of the portability work, and plans for the future

From: Eric S. Raymond
Subject: Re: [Groff] Status of the portability work, and plans for the future
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2007 08:43:47 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/

Werner LEMBERG <address@hidden>:
> > That sequence of bracket characters starting with \bv is new to me
> > -- I gather that has been introduced in CVS recently?
> What sequence do you mean?  The glyph \[bv] has been there since ever.
> And no, I no longer add new glyphs to groff using ad-hoc glyph names.
> The groff glyph list is frozen since a few years (except obvious
> errors, of course); new glyphs have the form `uXXXX'.

I know \[bv] is old.  I mean this sequence that it begins, which wasn't
present when I first wrote doclifter:

       ⎪       \[bv]              braceex         u23AA       vertical exten‐
                                                              sion *** +
       ⎪       \[braceex]         braceex         u23AA
       ⎡       \[bracketlefttp]   bracketlefttp   u23A1
       ⎣       \[bracketleftbt]   bracketleftbt   u23A3
       ⎢       \[bracketleftex]   bracketleftex   u23A2
       ⎤       \[bracketrighttp]  bracketrighttp  u23A4
       ⎦       \[bracketrightbt]  bracketrightbt  u23A6
       ⎥       \[bracketrightex]  bracketrightex  u23A5
       ╭       \[lt]              bracelefttp     u23A7       +
       ⎧       \[bracelefttp]     bracelefttp     u23A7
       ┥       \[lk]              braceleftmid    u23A8       +
       ⎨       \[braceleftmid]    braceleftmid    u23A8
       ╰       \[lb]              braceleftbt     u23A9       +
       ⎩       \[braceleftbt]     braceleftbt     u23A9
       ⎪       \[braceleftex]     braceleftex     u23AA
       ╮       \[rt]              bracerighttp    u23AB       +
       ⎫       \[bracerighttp]    bracerighttp    u23AB
       ┝       \[rk]              bracerightmid   u23AC       +
       ⎬       \[bracerightmid]   bracerightmid   u23AC
       ╯       \[rb]              bracerightbt    u23AD       +
       ⎭       \[bracerightbt]    bracerightbt    u23AD
       ⎪       \[bracerightex]    bracerightex    u23AA
       ⎛       \[parenlefttp]     parenlefttp     u239B
       ⎝       \[parenleftbt]     parenleftbt     u239D
       ⎜       \[parenleftex]     parenleftex     u239C
       ⎞       \[parenrighttp]    parenrighttp    u239E
       ⎠       \[parenrightbt]    parenrightbt    u23A0
       ⎟       \[parenrightex]    parenrightex    u239F

                <A href="";>Eric S. Raymond</a>

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