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Re: [Groff] parsing a corner specification

From: Joel E. Denny
Subject: Re: [Groff] parsing a corner specification
Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2007 17:17:55 -0400 (EDT)

On Sat, 18 Aug 2007, Clarke Echols wrote:

> According to my eroff manual (from Elan Computer Group, Inc.)
> the circle allowed-attribute list allows radius, diameter,
> height, width, at, invis, same, and text.  "at" takes a position
> argument.

Even though pic reports the error as being on line 4, it's actually on 
line 3.  To see this, you can run:

  % cat > test.pic
  A: circle "A"
  B: A left ;
  circle "B" at B
  % src/preproc/pic/pic test.pic > test.groff
  src/preproc/pic/pic:test.pic:3: syntax error before `left'
  src/preproc/pic/pic:test.pic:3: giving up on this picture

The semicolon token stops the line counter.

> You might try a 'move _to_;' then the circle specification...
> The semicolon separates operations and they can be chained
> together.  The 'at' attribute locates the center of the circle
> at the position specified.

Although I appreciate your response, I'm actually searching to understand 
how pic should parse the specific inputs I presented.  I'm not really 
looking for alternatives.


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