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Re: [Groff] groff Image Formats

From: Rüdiger Härtel
Subject: Re: [Groff] groff Image Formats
Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2007 13:10:26 +0200
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Am Mittwoch 17 Oktober 2007 11:03:26 schrieb Frank Jahnke:
> On Wed, 2007-10-17 at 07:52 +0200, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
> > What difficulties do you have?
> Well, in the most recent example, I used OO.o draw to combine three .jpg
> images into a single file after cropping them with gimp.  These came
> from a colleague's CAD program -- I could start with a different format,
> but JPEGs are pretty standard.

Why didn't you use the eps output from gimp directly?
I quite often use gimp without any hassle.

> OO.o failed with the conversion -- parts of the image do not appear in
> the output file -- as did conversion with ImageMagick.  Exporting as
> a .png and using Acrobat (on Windows) to crop further and convert
> to .eps gives a file without a bounding box.  That causes groff to choke
> -- nothing printed for the figure at all.
> I've tried variations on this theme, and all have had challenges.
> Ultimately, I exported as a .pdf from OO.o, converted that to .ps in
> Acrobat, and then converted .ps to .eps with ImageMagick, which worked.
> It looks terrible on the screen (font issues?) but it prints properly,
> at least on my Postscript printer.  Incidentally, gimp would not print
> the original images either on-screen or on the printer with enough
> fidelity, though it does the cropping OK.
> I will try the tools you mention (deleted here for brevity), but after
> the current proposal has been submitted.
> > I believe that your question is rather: How can I embed JPG images and
> > the like so that they can be extracted as such after conversion of the
> > groff PS output file to the PDF format...
> That is a good restatement.
> Frank

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