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[Groff] #groff on

From: Michael(tm) Smith
Subject: [Groff] #groff on
Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2008 18:20:30 +0900
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.14r5351+poontang (2008-01-29 21:06:38+09:00)

I know there's been some discussion in the past about the lack of
a groff channel for IRC discussion. I think getting IRC channels
started is mostly a matter of a few people taking initiative to
agree on a server and channel and to just stay on there (in the
background) when they're online -- so that when others do wander
by, they don't find the channel empty and then just go away.

So... With that in mind: I notice there's already a registered
#groff channel on, so I've added that to my
auto-join list in my IRC client and will be there any time I'm
online. I hope others from this list might join too. Especially if
you have time and interest in helping answer questions (mine
included :) (When I have time over the next few week, I'll be
working on and off when refining the groff output from the DocBook
XSL stylesheets, so being able to ask some dumb questions without
bugging everybody on the mailing list would be helpful).


Michael(tm) Smith

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