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Re: [Groff] Point size and leading question

From: Clarke Echols
Subject: Re: [Groff] Point size and leading question
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 14:11:12 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20080213)

So what you are saying is:

If I request
    .ps 13.43
    .vs 14.26

I will get exactly those sizes, correct?

But it appears there's no way to use the \s escape to change
point sizes in other than integer amounts, as in \s+2 or \s-8.
Is that correct?



Werner LEMBERG wrote:
I haven't encountered any documentation regarding specifying point
size and leading (.ps and .vs requests) indicating how groff behaves
if I specify a fractional point size such as 12 points/13.4-point
leading, or 12/14.4, for example, if I need to make a document look
better from a graphic-design and readability point of view.

Why do you expect a special behaviour?  groff converts everything to
internal units `u'; for the `ps' device, 72000u = 1i.

Probably, I'm misunderstanding your question, so please reformulate in
case this is so.


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