Hi Miklos,
On 25-Jan-09 11:47:03, Miklos Somogyi wrote:
Ted, thanks for the ideas. I've been using -me since time immemorial.
We all have our favourite macro workhorse! (Mine, as you can guess,
is -ms, but I have also made a lot of extensions to it in a private
macro package "-mted" -> tmac.ted).
I've tried overstriking twice but it got messy and did not work.
Finally I did some rudimentary stuff with horizontal and vertical
motion. Took a lot of fiddling with distances.
I think the macros ".acc*over-def" etc. defined in ms-macros look
after all that "motion" stuff nicely. I've have had a quick look
at the "me" macros, and I don't think there are any conflicts.
See below.
Thank you for your suggestions, I'll look into them. Perhaps I'll
need to switch from -me to something else, 'casue layout and
especially footnote don't work very well.
Do you mean general layout and footnotes in the "me" macros?
Below is some text which I have formatted using
groff -Tps -me temp.tr > temp.ps
The resulting PS file is attached as temp.ps
By the way -- I realised later that my choice of "köszönöm" was
a bad example: it is one of the few Hungarian words that came
into my head while I was working on your query, and I erroneously
(on the basis of pronunciation) assumed that it had "double acute"
instead of ordinary umlaut. I've made a more carefully selected
choice this time!
Here goes. The macro "acc*over-def" is as defined in s.tmac,
where there also definitions of related macros "acc*under-def",
"acc*slash-def" and "acc*prefix-def".
Accented characters are defined as "special" characters using
the ".char" request -- the objective is to provide a uniform
and clearly mnemonic schema for entering them into troff source.
In the file "temp.tr" below I have included only such definitions
as are needed for the text (plus on or two related ones); they are
a small subset of what I have in my "private" macro file "tmac.ted".
The groff command is
groff -Tps -me temp.tr > temp.ps
and there does not seem to be any interference between the definitions
below and anything else in e.tmac
Hoping this helps!,
.\"----- file: temp.tr ------------------------------
.de acc*over-def
.ds \\$1 \Z'\v'(u;\w'x'*0+\En[rst]-\En[.cht])'\
.acc*over-def ' \'
.acc*over-def : \(ad
.acc*over-def ; \(a"
.char \[a'] a\*'
.char \[e'] e\*'
.char \[i'] \[.i]\*'
.char \[o'] o\*'
.char \[o:] o\*:
.char \[u'] u\*'
.char \[u:] u\*:
.char \[O:] O\*:
.char \[o=] o\*;
.char \[O=] O\*;
.char \[u=] u\*;
.char \[U=] U\*;
.vs 18
.vs 18p
\s[15]Budapest \[O:]szt\[o:]nd\[i']j Program\s0
.vs 18p
\s[15]Budapest F\[o=]v\[a']ros
F\[o=]polg\[a']rmesteri Hivatala Budapest
\[O:]szt\[o:]nd\[i']j Program keret\[e']ben
p\[a']ly\[a']zatot hirdet els\[o=] diplom\[a']s
fels\[o=]fok\[u'] k\[e']pz\[e']sben
r\[e']sztvev\[o=] nappali tagozatos,
2009. szeptember\[e']t\[o=]l utols\[o']
tanulm\[a']nyi \[e']v\[u:]ket megkezd\[o=]
hallgat\[o']k sz\[a']m\[a']ra.\s0
.\"----- end of file: temp.tr -----------------------
On 25/01/2009, at 04:09 AM, (Ted Harding) wrote:
On 24-Jan-09 16:17:05, Miklos Somogyi wrote:
Hi folks,
How would you produce o O u U with double acute signs on top?
Hi Miklos,
If you aree using MS macros, then extended accent-marks can be
activated by invoking macro ".AM". Then you can define the
"hungarian umlaut" in the following way:
.acc*over-def ; \(a"
after which you can get the "double acute accent" by appending "\*;"
to the letter, as in
(and similar for u and U with the accent).
If you are not using ms macros, then you should be able to achieve
the same effect by including the revelant definitions from s.tmac:
.de acc*over-def
.ds \\$1 \Z'\v'(u;\w'x'*0+\En[rst]-\En[.cht])'\
.acc*over-def ; \(a"
after which you can proceed as above. Other macro packages may have
similar provision.
See s.tmac for the full repertoire of extended accent functionality.
Hoping this helps,
E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <address@hidden>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 24-Jan-09 Time: 17:07:50
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Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 25-Jan-09 Time: 13:50:09
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