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[Groff] Re: html-mm stuff

From: Robert Marks
Subject: [Groff] Re: html-mm stuff
Date: Sat, 2 Jan 2010 10:46:08 +1100 (EST)

Dear All,

Just to say that as a long-time (30 years) mm user who sometimes
codes some simle html as well, I welcome this work.  I have wondered
why -Thtml with mm-coded groff didn't just change the .AL .LI .LE
code into <ol> <li> </ol>, but I now understand that ms doesn't have
equivalent list markups.

I'm sure other mm users will be grateful for the work.

Robert Marks

Robert MARKS, Economics/ALL/AGSM Bldg,
              ASB, UNSW SYDNEY, NSW 2052,

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