Apologies for the following! I experienced a brief power failure
while composing a reply to Tom's query below, and (since emails
which are being edited for sending are stored in my outbox) when I
re-booted the stub of the reply (below) was automatically sent.
I will start again shortly (I have to do some other things right now).
On 16-Feb-10 09:18:38, Ted Harding wrote:
On 16-Feb-10 00:29:44, Tom Borawski wrote:
I was wondering if their is any possibility having .tm write
to anything other than STDOUT ? It would make managing forward
references (when used with 2 groff passes) much easier.
In other words for a forward reference (now I have to)
.so hand-edited-STDOUT-captured-text-with-reference.txt
{rest of document}
.tm \*[reference-info]
Is there any way this could be:
.so groff-auto-file.txt
{rest of document}
.tm FILEHANDLE \*[reference-info]
E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <address@hidden>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 16-Feb-10 Time: 09:31:47
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