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Re: [Groff] Mac Editor with Groff Syntax Highligting

From: Peter Schaffter
Subject: Re: [Groff] Mac Editor with Groff Syntax Highligting
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2011 12:21:21 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)

On Wed, Aug 03, 2011, Clarke Echols wrote:
> Bite the bullet and keep using vim.

That would be my suggestion, too, even though Simon's apparently
looking for ways to avoid it.  I don't think it's by accident that 
so many of us on the list, who do so much writing, use vi.

Still, learning vi when all you want is syntax highlighting for
groff source...  It's kind of like telling someone to go mine lapis
lazuli and grind it into pigment, when all they want to do is paint
with blue.

> The book "The Ultimate Guide to the Vi and Ex Text Editors" is
> still available from Amazon, though availability appears to be
> fading (1-3 month lead time, but some are in stock (used?).

Clarke, is there any way we could get permission to do with
_Ultimate Guide_ what was done a couple of years ago with UTP?
Yours is, as you say, the best vi book around.

> Dave Taylor in Workstation magazine (1990) said even if you have
> thousands of hours of experience using vi, it's well worth several
> hours reading that book.

And after reading it, and a couple thousand more hours using vim,
you still won't know everything there is to know!

Peter Schaffter

Author of The Binbrook Caucus

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