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[Groff] looping in Pic

From: emmanuel chemla
Subject: [Groff] looping in Pic
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2012 00:31:34 +0100

A newbie question in Pic:
Having to draw a ruled paper, I finally succeeded in writing this short
program :

line lineWidth;
line lineWidth at last line.start +(0i, -interlineHeight)
line lineWidth at last line.start +(0i, -interlineHeight)
line lineWidth at last line.start +(0i, -interlineHeight)

the program is correct but I would like it to work in a loop, with the
number of lines set in a register or as a variable or send as an argument
to a recursive macro.
(and I don't want to output as much as *".PS blabla .PE"* blocks as lines
needed, I'd like to solve this matter just staying in Pic environment).

Any ideas ?

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