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Re: [Groff] Eric Raymond on groff and TeX

From: erich hoffmann
Subject: Re: [Groff] Eric Raymond on groff and TeX
Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2012 07:13:39 +0200

Am Thu, 03 May 2012 23:13:32 +0100 (BST)
schrieb (Ted Harding) <address@hidden>:

> To go back to Anton's original posting, where he quoted
> Eric Raymond:
>         All your base <emphasis>are</emphasis> belong to us!
>     The  "<emphasis>" and </emphasis>in the line
>     above are called markup tags, or  just  tags
>     for short. They are the instructions to your
>     formatter.
> On the lines that others have since pointed out, one can
> emulate the "<emphasis>are</emphasis>" (with definitions
> in a "stylesheet") straightforwardly in groff:
> .\"Stylesheet definitions:
> .ds emph \fB
> .ds /emph \fP
> .\"..........................
> All your base \*[emph]are\*[/emph] belong to us!
> You could define \*[emph] as \fI (plain italic), or as \f[BI]
> (bold italic), etc.

Thank you for that remark.  I needed some time and a hazard to
realize how helpful it is.  I'm writing a small html website for my
own purpose (not to be published), all bash & gvim based (like Clarke
mentioned in this group before) and was facing the problem that I
wanted a plain latin1/utf8 output.  Was working with lynx --dump,
but that needed a lot of handwork afterwards (nothing against lynx!).
Now with your remark in mind, within minutes I wrote a script like this:


for IN in $(ls *.html); do
            echo -n .
                  sed \
                      -e "1,/<\/head>/d" \
                      -e "s!&\([[:alnum:]]*\);!\\\*[\1]!g" \
                      -e "s!<!\\\*[!g"\
                      -e "s!>!]!g" \
                      $IN | sed -e "1i\
.so" >  ${IN%%.html}.tr
              echo ';'


The "" containing things like 


.ds auml  ä
.ds ouml  ö
.ds uuml  ü
.ds Auml  Ä
.ds Ouml  Ö
.ds Uuml  Ü
.ds szlig ß
.ds mdash \\(em
.ds ndash \\(en


With a little more time this method might lead to a filter for an MS
source file.  Thanks a lot!  What a lot of time and nerves this can


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