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Re: [Groff] how not to number the cover page? and not to show page numbe

From: Anton Shterenlikht
Subject: Re: [Groff] how not to number the cover page? and not to show page number on the front page?
Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2012 23:49:07 +0100 (BST)

        From address@hidden Wed Aug 22 23:23:14 2012

        Anton Shterenlikht:

        > This doesn't seem to have an effect on the cover or
        > the front pages.  Adding .PGNH removes page  number
        > from all consequtive pages, but not from these two.

        I  don't  think  the cover macros have anything to do
        with the header, so this is strage.  .PGHN works fine
        for me -- note that it should disable the printing of
        the header on the _next_  page.   Please,  provide  a
        minimal  example  demonstrating the problem so I will
        look at it, but  bear  in  mind  it  may  take  me  a

Thank you. Here's a small document:

\" process with mm
.PF "''\*(DT''"
title title title title title title
title title title title title title
title title title title title title
.AF "place place place place place place place place"
.AU "author author author author author author author"
I don't want the cover page to be
numbered at all, or maybe number 0.
I don't want to display the cover page number.
.MT 4
This is the front page, I want it to be number 1.
I don't want this page number to be shown.
This should be page 2. From this page onwards,
I want all pages show page number in the header
(default for mm).

It will make 3 pages:
- the cover page
- the front page with some text
- the normal page. All pages starting from
  this one are normal pages.

I want the cover page to show no page number,
the front page to show no number, and the
first normal page to show page number 2.
All pages after that I want to be numbered

I'm sure it's achievable. I probably don't
use the macros correctly.

I process this document with just "groff -mm".

I tried "-n" groff command line option
and .pn troff command, but still get the
same result.

Many thanks for your help.


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