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Re: [Groff] _Unix Text Processing_ Fails to Build.

From: Larry Kollar
Subject: Re: [Groff] _Unix Text Processing_ Fails to Build.
Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2013 08:43:16 -0500

Sorry about the long-delayed response, guys. I've been up to my eyeballs with 
both fiction and reality this month. I must be crazy to have agreed to launch 
two novellas two weeks apart. :-P

I'll apply the Chapter 9 patch, as the patched groff is unlikely to be 
universal any time soon. In the meantime, we need to collect info about new 
material we want to add — pdfmark is an obvious candidate, as Ralph pointed 
out, and it looks like Deri has sorted the bookmark/xref hyperlinks issue (if 
not, we can use my work markup). One thing my solution doesn't solve, is 
hyperlinks in the table of contents (that was a not-so-simple fix, it turns 
out). Deri, does your patch handle that?

For other UTP mods, things might go a little faster if we take smaller steps 
instead of one huge, year-long march. It would certainly fit with my current 
life, or I'd be glad to delegate or turn leadership over. What new material 
would everyone like to see? I've committed myself to a chapter or section on 
producing clean HTML from groff (it can be done with some pre-planning and 
post-processing). I'd like to see Deri write up something about that monster 
production run, which we could title "Scale THIS" :-D

Let's hear what everyone else wants to see, then we can prioritize and get 

-- Larry

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