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Re: [Groff] `groff' options for other programs

From: Bernd Warken
Subject: Re: [Groff] `groff' options for other programs
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2013 22:46:31 +0200 (CEST)

> Von: "Werner LEMBERG" <address@hidden>
> >> > noarg: abceghijklpstvzCENRSUVXZ
> >> > witharg: FmTfwWMdrnoPDKLI
> >>
> >> Couldn't groffer parse `groff --help's output at run-time?
> >
> > That's what I've done so far.  But that takes extra calling time.
> > As the `groff' options don't change after installation, it makes
> > sense to make them available once at compile time.
> I think a perl program is far too heavy to search these lines in
> groff.cpp:
>   while ((opt = getopt_long(
>                   argc, argv,
>                   "abcCd:D:eEf:F:gGhiI:jkK:lL:m:M:n:No:pP:r:RsStT:UvVw:W:XzZ",
>                   long_options, NULL))
> and to extract the string.  Letters followed with a colon have an
> argument.

Yeah, that's fine.

But there shouldn't be a problem to use Perl during compilation.  If there is no
suitable `perl' program, `configure' breaks with error.  So there will not be a
`Makefile' to `make'.

So it seems to be safe to use Perl for `make' compilation.

Bernd Warken

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