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Re: [Groff] address@hidden: Re: Back to the future]

From: Walter Alejandro Iglesias
Subject: Re: [Groff] address@hidden: Re: Back to the future]
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2014 00:30:48 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.22 (2013-10-16)

Some months ago this list was quiet as usual.  Suddenly Mr Eric
Raymond appeared kindly offering himself to migrate Groff to git.  At
the same time two guys started to make strange proposals and Eric to
flatter one of them and calling him the new project leader.  Now
surprise, surprise that strange proposals fit on a marked personal
Eric wish of transforming Groff in some kind of DocBook.

What I think is happening here, I wish to be wrong, is that guys,
naively dazzled, are trying to convince themselves to see in Eric's
proposal a sense.  Personally I am not able to see a sense neither in
the proposed modifications themselves nor in the poor marketing
prognostic argued by aim.  If someone here is able to see a sense, I
will appreciate the explanation.


PD: To be "geeky" is to come here complaining because some document
formated by Groff is not well rendered in google glass.

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