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Re: [Groff] OT: Fork of the Heirloom Documentation Tools for fixing bugs

From: Ingo Schwarze
Subject: Re: [Groff] OT: Fork of the Heirloom Documentation Tools for fixing bugs
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 21:13:20 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.23 (2014-03-12)


Ralph Corderoy wrote on Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 04:59:07PM +0100:
> Pierre-Jean wrote:

>> It appears to Carsten and I that there's place to some coordination
>> even if we are working on different projects, with different goals,
>> and using different troff implementations.

> Would you consider the groff list suitable if the list's owners

I can't speak for the list's owners, obviously...

> and general population of subscribers were happy?  Seems a shame to
> fragment the small, fledgling community.

 ... but as a member of the population, i heartily agree with Ralph's

Given how many people already posted variations on this theme:

> That said, be sure to announce the new list here.

 ... and how few yelled "stop this off-topic crap" the rash spectator
might already jump to conclusions regarding the predominant feeling
of the <address@hidden> population...

In case you go for a separate list and post an announcement here,
i'll gladly forward it to <discuss at mdocml dot bsd dot lv> as well,
unless you say you don't want it posted there.


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