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Re: [Groff] MM Macros

From: Damian McGuckin
Subject: Re: [Groff] MM Macros
Date: Wed, 1 Jul 2015 18:32:29 +1000 (AEST)
User-agent: Alpine 2.02 (LRH 1266 2009-07-14)

OK. Have resubscribed so should be good from now on.

Anyway, I said

Also, my line 2086 in m.tmac says

      address@hidden \\n[ds*old-ll]

which is from contrib in 1.22.3.

Looking at your diffs, it seems you have replaced this with ds*div-ll \\n[ds*old-ll]
      +.if \\n[ds*format]=1 .nr ds*div-ll -\\n(Sin

You said

You need to change ds*old-ll into ds*div-ll in the original line too.

What I did is to reduce the line length in the diversion by \n(Si times ens if the first argument to .DS is 1 or I. So I copied \n[ds*old-ll] into a new register and substracted \n[SI]n in case of this argument to .DS.

(It would also be possible to not change the line length and use .in \n(Sin for the diversion and output the diversion with zero indent but in this case (few) more lines need to be changed in m.tmac.)

So that I did was

        .dsAAATset-new-ev \\n[ds*div-ll]
        .nr ds*div-ll \\n[ds*old-ll]
        .if \\n[ds*format]=1 .nr ds*div-ll -\\n(Sin

where AAAT was the



I reran it and

a)      It shot the hell out of my first a 'DS 2' and made it a 'DS 0'

b)      The First DS 1 with an equation still was off to the right

c)      The second DS 1 with an equation was slightly in from the right

So, almost.

Regards - Damian

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