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Re: [Groff] [PATCH] rewrite in Perl

From: walter harms
Subject: Re: [Groff] [PATCH] rewrite in Perl
Date: Sat, 18 Feb 2017 19:52:57 +0100
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Am 18.02.2017 19:07, schrieb James K. Lowden:
> On Sat, 18 Feb 2017 03:28:03 +0000
> Colin Watson <address@hidden> wrote:
>> This version is much shorter and easier to understand than the
>> shell/awk version: we don't have to worry about convincing ls to
>> produce output that we can parse, and we don't have to play games
>> with the way that the same field may contain either the year or the
>> time depending on how old the file is.
> Attached please find fdate.c. It accepts filename argments and prints
> the files' mtimes (and, optionally, names).  Like date(1), it accepts a
> strftime format argument, defaulting to yyyy-mm-dd.
> If you would like to use it instead, i can provide the necessary GNU
> paperwork.  
> $ fdate ~/projects/3/groff/*
> 2016-04-21
> 2013-11-12
> 2016-04-19
> $ fdate -v +'%d %B %Y' ~/projects/3/groff/*
> 21 April 2016 /home/jklowden/projects/3/groff/groff
> 12 November 2013 /home/jklowden/projects/3/groff/mkgrft
> 19 April 2016 /home/jklowden/projects/3/groff/sidebar
> --jkl

I dont know why this is needed in the first place, but maybe stat(1)
can help here ?


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