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Re: Quick question: how to do .index in groff?

From: B 9
Subject: Re: Quick question: how to do .index in groff?
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 2020 21:41:15 -0700
User-agent: s-nail v14.9.11

"Denis M. Wilson" <> wrote:

> Sorry, the macros I've written are .strchr and .strrchr.
> .index should not be too hard using direct method (KMP is too
> complicated). I may have time to try, no promises...

Thank you. I had a mistaken presumption that it was something people
would've already solved as a groff macro. Unless you find it a fun
challenge, you needn't attempt it on my behalf. It seems like the
right solution in the long run is to implement .index in groff's C


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