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Re: One groff file outputting multiple pdfs?

From: Heinz-Jürgen Oertel
Subject: Re: One groff file outputting multiple pdfs?
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2020 23:11:12 +0100

Am Donnerstag, 19. November 2020, 21:41:42 CET schrieb Richard Morse:
> Hi! I am using groff to generate some PDF reports. Each report consists of 
> data for a number of different invoices, each of which is going to a 
> different payee. We are being asked to submit each invoice separately, so we 
> need to create a separate PDF for each center.
> The roff file is being generated by a program, and for a few reasons, it 
> would be much easier to have the program generate one output file, and then 
> run Groff on the single file. Is there someway, perhaps using the mysterious 
> “I/O” requests, to have the roff file change the output file through out?
> Basically, I would like to run:
>       groff -ms -Kutf8 -Tpdf
> And have it generate:
>       invoice_2020_10_siteA.pdf
>       invoice_2020_10_siteB.pdf
>       invoice_2020_10_siteC.pdf
> Without having to generate a separate .ms file for each site, and then run 
> groff separately for each invoice.
> Thanks,
> Ricky

Can you use pdftk to split the groff output file file afterwards in pages?

mit freundlichen Grüßen aus Halle (Saale)
       Heinz-Jürgen Oertel

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