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Re: troff Memorandum Macros documentation derived from the paper "MM - M

From: G. Branden Robinson
Subject: Re: troff Memorandum Macros documentation derived from the paper "MM - Memorandum Macros"
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 2021 09:24:07 +1000
User-agent: NeoMutt/20180716

At 2021-07-16T10:37:11-0400, T. Kurt Bond wrote:
> The paper "MM - Memorandum Macros" by D. W. Smith, J. R. Mashey, E. C.
> Pariser, and N. W. Smith, AT&T Bell Laboratories, June 1980 does not
> seem to be available in PDF or Postscript on the Internet with a
> license that allows legal copying.

I was just looking for this last week!  I didn't even find an unlicensed

> However, the Documenter's Workbench version of the documentation,
> which is derived from that paper *is* available in source form here
> <>, under the Eclipse Public
> License.
> I built the document from source some time ago, and recently put the
> PDF up on my blog (direct link to PDF
> <>) , with a post
> <>
> about it.

This is terrific!  Thanks, Kurt!

> I think this is useful since it provides a more "user guide" approach
> to learning MM; groff_mm(7), while an admirable and complete reference
> is not easy to learn MM from, in my opinion.

Certainly it is not.  A document like this, or one that, with luck,
Damian will contribute, is sorely needed.


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