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Re: Whither changelogs

From: Nate Bargmann
Subject: Re: Whither changelogs
Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2021 12:22:46 -0500

* On 2021 06 Oct 09:04 -0500, G. Branden Robinson wrote:
> Why is Vim, or this plugin you speak of, disregarding the modeline at
> the bottom of the file?

At the risk of wading into this, I just want to note that on Debian,
modelines are disabled by default and it is up to the user to enable

                                   'modeline' 'ml' 'nomodeline' 'noml'
'modeline' 'ml'         boolean (Vim default: on (off for root),
                                 Debian: off, Vi default: off)
                        local to buffer
        If 'modeline' is on 'modelines' gives the number of lines that is
        checked for set commands.  If 'modeline' is off or 'modelines' is zero
        no lines are checked.  See modeline.

I am reasonably certain they are disabled in my Vim on Debian 11 as
opening the groff ChangeLog file and then executing ':set' shows
'nomodeline' in its output.

I have read in various places that modelines are now considered a risk.
Also, with more and more editors being in use these days, a lot of
projects are disallowing their inclusion in files.  As a result, from
what I read, there should be no expectation of modelines working across
the board and thereby expect style enforcement.

- Nate

"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true."
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